Guitars from Japan and the USA

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Guitars from Japan and the USA

+7 (495) 108-02-72 +7 (987) 955-42-42
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Акустическая гитара YAMAHA F310

от $254.00
I want one!

article: 14036

country: Япония

Acoustic Guitar.Specifications:

Guitar Type: Western
Upper deck material: spruce
Lining material: Javanese rosewood
Body: Indonesian mahogany
Case depth: 96-116 mm Shell
material: Indonesian mahogany
Fingerboard: mahogany
String Holder material: Rosewood Sonokeling
Pegs: chrome
Weight (with packaging and accessories): 5 kg

The F310 embodies the commitment to design and sound quality that is common to all Yamaha speakers, and combines these advantages into a single whole at an unsurpassably affordable price.Excellent sound and excellent workmanship at a reasonable price are the distinctive features of the F-series guitar. This guitar is able to convey the most subtle shades of mood, it can be called the perfect tool for both novice musicians and experienced guitariststraditional design of dreadnoughts combined with a loud acoustic sound and good playing qualities make this instrument an ideal choice. Young guitarists will appreciate the comfort of playing due to the slightly reduced depth of the case and the average length of the beaker.
& nbsp; On Strunki.ru every musician has the opportunity to buy guitars and accessories for them with delivery throughout the CIS. All products are original.

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