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Guitars from Japan and the USA

+7 (495) 108-02-72 +7 (987) 955-42-42
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Акустическая гитара Veston F-38/BK Black, Китай, Новая

от $109.00
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article: 13183

country: Китай

Production: China
VESTON F-38/BK Acoustic guitar
VESTON F-38/BK-acoustic guitar in a folk case of excellent quality, available at a reasonable price. This guitar will be an excellent choice for beginners and those who are learning to play the instrument.
The model name reflects the size of the guitar: 38 inches. The body of the VESTON F-38 is made of agathis wood. The neck is made of maple, the fingerboard and the bridge are also made of maple. The neck has 20 frets without inlay. The F-38 guitar is available in several color variants. The presented model looks stylish in black with a glossy lacquered finish, black pickguard in the form of a classic drop, cream edging of the body and neck. The guitar is equipped with metal strings.
Technical specifications:

Model: F-38
Housing: Folk
Beaker: 630 mm
Upper deck: agathis
Lower deck and shells: agathis
Upper and lower deck trim: plastic, cream color
Neck: maple
Fingerboard: maple
Fingerboard trim: plastic, cream color
Bridge: maple
Rosette inlay: mother of pearl
Frets: 20, steel
Pegs: 3+3, chrome-plated, with white plastic buds
Picgard: black in the form of a drop
Finish: glossy lacquer
Strings: metal
Color: Black

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